Palmer, Ramos, Woodoff-Leith, and Galarza publish in Veterinary Ophthalmology
May 6, 2021
Samantha V. Palmer, Renata Velloso Ramos, Elias D. Woodoff-Leith, and Roxanne M. Rodriguez Galarza have published "Causes, outcomes, and owner satisfaction of dogs undergoing enucleation with orbital implant placement" in Veterinary Ophthalmology.
In veterinary medicine, enucleation, or eye removal, is the most commonly performed surgery of the orbit. Although enucleation is effective in resolving permanently blinding and painful ocular conditions, it is commonly unacceptable to owners because of its cosmetic outcome when the eyelid skin gradually sinks into and outlines the enucleated orbit. Orbital implants are frequently used in enucleation procedures as they serve to fill the resulting dead space and prevent post- operative concavity of the overlying skin. Silicone orbital implants (SOI) are currently the most popular choice.
The purpose of this study was to determine clinical indications for enucleation, establish an updated complication rate for SOI use in canines, and discuss owner satisfaction with the procedure. Results of this study indicated high owner satisfaction rates for improving cosmetic appearance after enucleation in dogs. Enucleation with implantation of an orbital implant was shown to be a viable and safe method for irreversibly blind eyes.
Palmer is a former small animal intern, Ramos is clinical assistant professor in ophthalmology, and Galarza is a former clinical assistant professor of ophthalmology and service chief in the college's Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. Elias D. Woodoff-Leith is a third-year student in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program.