Collaborative Multidisciplinary Research Laboratory (CMRL)

For inquiries about VMCVM's Collaborative Multidisciplinary Research Laboratory services:
Michelle Todd, Laboratory Manager

The Collaborative Multidisciplinary Research Laboratory (CMRL) provides research space, general and specialized laboratory equipment, and technical assistance for VMCVM clinical faculty to conduct basic or applied research in a shared lab setting.
Research space is organized by research process and includes two general-use laboratories and eight satellite laboratories.
- General use laboratory (Lab 280) is used for cell-based assays (flow cytometry sample preparation, magnetic cell sorting, ELISpot), PCR plate setup, etc.
- General use laboratory (Lab 282) is used for protein-based assays (ELISA, Western blotting, histochemistry), packed cell volume (PCV) testing, etc.
- Satellite laboratories are designated for clean room procedures (i.e. PCR master mix preparation), cell culture, RNA extraction, DNA extraction, or agarose gel electrophoresis.
Contact Michelle Todd regarding biosafety training for first-time use of the laboratory and assistance reserving laboratory spaces.
General instrumentation:
- biosafety cabinets
- refrigerators and freezers
- analytical balances
- pH meters
- pipettes
- pipette-aids
- centrifuges
- gel electrophoresis apparatus
- standard and shaking incubators
- CO2 incubators
- rockers
- heat blocks
- water baths
Specialized instrumentation:
- ELISA plate reader with fluorescence capabilities
- plate washers
- conventional PCR thermocyclers
- real-time PCR systems
- Qubit fluorometers
- ELISpot system
- automated magnetic cell sorter
Contact Michelle Todd for instrument training and scheduling.
Technical Assistance
CMRL technicians are available for consultation regarding experimental planning and to provide Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), and Institutional Review Board (IRB) guidance for projects involving infectious agents or recombinant nucleic acid, research animals, or human research subjects, respectively. Technicians are also available to conduct benchwork to support grant-funded and non-grant-funded research projects of VMCVM clinical faculty.
Contact Michelle Todd to request technical assistance.