Thank you for considering making a gift in support of Veterinary Clinical Research. Your donation in any amount will support our mission to advance human and animal health.
Unrestricted support to veterinary clinical research is essential for our success. This funding is used for the greatest needs of the Veterinary Clinical Research Office, from operational support to funding clinical trials.

Clinical Research Annual Fund
With a gift of any amount, you can contribute to the clinical research annual fund and support the greatest needs of area. Gifts to this fund will be used to advance the mission of clinical research, from operational support to funding clinical trials.

Veterinary Memorial Fund
Support the clinical research office while honoring the memory of a cherished companion animal. For each memorialized pet, the college with send a letter to the owner notifying them that a donation was made in their pet's memory.

Clinical Research Donor Wall
With a gift of $2,500 - $25,000 to clinical research, you can add an inscription to the clinical research donor wall at the entrance of the veterinary teaching hospital. Please contact the Office of Advancement at if you are interested in this opportunity.
If your passion for clinical research is more specific, then supporting one of our specific types of research may be the best option for you. Below we've highlighted a couple of our key ongoing clinical research areas.

Cancer Research
The new Animal Cancer Care and Research Center stands to capitalize on a strikingly rare opportunity to integrate researchers across disciplines investigating animal and human health, conducting translational oncology research, and advancing comprehensive cancer care in pets and people alike.
» Download the PDF to learn more

Cardiovascular Research
Our Cardiac Service is in the business of mending broken hearts, and it breaks our hearts when we see a cardiac case we can’t fix. Cardiolgy research is key in helping us develop new treatments to help animal patients for years to come. One of our key cardiology research studies aims to determine why Cavalier King Charles Spaniels get valvular heart disease so much earlier than other breeds, and find new treatment options to help all dogs suffering from heart disease.
» Read the full story

Brain Cancer Research
Representative of our mission to advance animal and human health, our researchers have set out to determine the depth of the commonalities between canine and human gliomas, a type of aggressive brain tumor. Because gliomas arise spontaneously in dogs as well as humans, experimental therapies aimed at dogs can help identify treatments that could evolve into promising human clinical trials.
» Read the full story
Visit the the Make a Gift page for more information on college priorities, ways to beyond cash, featured donor highlights, and more!
To support any of the highlighted support areas, you can follow the direct giving links provided. To support others funds online, you can follow the below instructions.
- Go to the secure Virginia Tech On-Line Giving page. This page will open in a new browser window so you may refer back to these instructions by minimizing the giving window.
- The "Select an area" dropbox will be prepopulated with "College of Veterinary Medicine.
- Use the "Select a fund" dropbox to select the fund you would like to support. If you wish to support a fund not listed, please select "Other" and a "Designation" box will appear where you can enter the fund name.
- Download and print our Gift Contribution Form (PDF)
- Make your check payable to "Virginia Tech Foundation, Inc."
- Send the completed form and your check to:
College of Veterinary Medicine
Development Office
225 Duck Pond Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061