Current Studies

Owners and referring vets seeking to enroll an animal in a current study should carefully review the study description and enrollment criteria below.
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The American Veterinary Medical Association Animal Health Studies Database lists hundreds of ongoing studies at sites throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Current clinical trials and translational research studies at VA-MD Vet Med
General ItemUsing 3D echo to analyze the mitral valve in Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies
Purpose: To monitor the mitral valve structure of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (CKCS) puppies and to compare the structure of CKCS puppies’ mitral valves to puppies of other breeds.
General ItemSpironolactone to treat dogs with pulmonary hypertension and mitral valve disease
Purpose: To test whether treatment with the diuretic drug spironolactone, in addition to conventional therapy for congestive heart failure (CHF), will improve pulmonary hypertension caused by mitral valve disease.
General ItemCavalier King Charles Spaniels and Sleep
Purpose: To understand the relationship between sleep and pain in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and develop new methods to detect pain.
General ItemTargeted chemotherapy for glioma brain tumors in dogs
Purpose: To determine the safety and effectiveness of a new chemotherapy drug and drug delivery method in the treatment of brain tumors (gliomas) in dogs.
General ItemUltrasound-guided histotripsy ablation of canine brain tumors through an acoustically transparent cranial window
Purpose: To investigate the safety and antitumor activities of a new ultrasonic technology, called histotripsy, that can noninvasively destroy (ablate) tumor tissue using acoustic energy, in dogs with brain tumors.
General ItemADAMTS-13 activity in dogs with chronic liver disease
Purpose: To evaluate the role of the ADAMTS-13 enzyme in abnormal blood clotting in dogs with chronic liver disease.
General ItemADAMTS13 activity in dogs with presumptive idiopathic immune thrombocytopenia
Purpose: To evaluate the role of ADAMTS13, an enzyme related to blood clotting, in dogs with presumptive idiopathic immune thrombocytopenia.
General ItemBlood coagulation in cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Purpose: To evaluate cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) for abnormal blood clotting activity.
General ItemAssessing Postoperative Pain in Pigs After Celiotomy or Laparoscopic Spay
Purpose: To test if minimally-invasive ovary removal will have fewer complications and improve recovery in pet pigs compared to the traditional abdominal surgery ovariohysterectomy spay technique
General ItemEvaluating the effects of complete tumor histotripsy ablation and immunostimulation in canine osteosarcoma
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of histotripsy, a novel treatment for that can destroy tissue without radiation or heat, on dogs with osteosarcoma.
General ItemSpeckle tracking echocardiography as a new screening tool for dilated cardiomyopathy in Doberman Pinschers
Purpose: To test whether speckle tracking echocardiography will be able to detect changes in the hearts of Dobermans who have abnormal 24-hour Holter monitoring but normal standard echocardiograms.
General ItemDoes body condition affect fertility and reproductive performance in the bitch?: Comparing reproductive performance of overweight/obese and lean bitches
Purpose: To identify how body condition, exercise, and nutrition affect the reproductive potential of female dogs and the health of their puppies.
General ItemAdvanced hemodynamic monitoring in anesthetized dogs
Purpose: To test whether using advanced cardiac monitoring techniques provides a more accurate measurement of cardiac output and helps clinicians better determine when anesthetized dogs need more cardiovascular support to maintain a healthy cardiac output.
General ItemThe Weight of Whelping: A Survey on Whelping Events in the Broodbitch
Purpose: To create a large database on the timing of whelping milestones in dogs.
General ItemEpitope screening: on the way to a vaccine for Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM)
Purpose: To identify immune molecules that may be protective against S. neurona infection as a first step towards developing a vaccine against EPM.
General ItemTesting a new treatment for metastatic osteosarcoma in the lungs
Purpose: To measure the effects of H-FIRE, a therapy that can destroy tissue without radiation or heat, on dogs with metastatic osteosarcoma in their lungs.
General ItemPredictors of the age of onset of chamber enlargement in Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dogs
Purpose: To evaluate if young CKCSs with mild mitral regurgitation develop heart enlargement earlier than young CKCSs with no mitral regurgitation.
General ItemComparing lactation performance and puppy growth of overweight/obese and lean bitches
Purpose: To identify how body condition and nutrition affect the whelping process and milk composition or production of female dogs and the health of their puppies.
General ItemReal-time three-dimensional evaluation of the feline heart
Purpose: To assess the feasibility of performing 3D echocardiography in healthy cats and to establish the standard range of dimensions for measuring the heart chambers in healthy cats
General ItemEvaluation of urine liquid biopsy for canine appendicular osteosarcoma (bone cancer)
Purpose: To evaluate the use of urine samples as a liquid biopsy tool to monitor disease progression in canine osteosarcoma
General ItemHistotripsy ultrasound therapy effectiveness on equine sarcoids
Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness of histotripsy as a non-invasive therapeutic approach for treating equine sarcoids.